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#Bosbabes Who Run It: Courage Molina, Certified Game Changer & Woman Of Faith

Both idealist and pragmatist, 26-year-old Toquisha Molina, approaches the world in a bold manner. She sees beauty in failure and accepts calamity as a small steppingstone.

The native of New Smyrna Beach, Florida, displayed valor, enthusiasm and trepidation at an early age.

It was just something about her that stood out even at 6 months old. Call it old wisdom, but Molina’s grandmother took that into consideration when acknowledging her strengths, which was much like the “Cowardly Lion [from The Wizard of Oz]."

Those interesting traits earned her the nickname Courage.

Molina took the handle and branded it, not because it was a cool moniker, but the name summed up her fanaticism for existence.

She conceded to her calling and became a certified “Courage Transformation Coach,” helping women of faith to overcome their obstacles and achieve goals.

“I’m kinda like a fire starter and lion chaser. That’s basically what I do for women-- light a fire under them because there is already something great in them, and we do that through transformation coaching.

It is a little different from life coaching. Life Coaching can sometimes be an ongoing thing, and Transformation Coaching is intended to be for a season,” she explained.

Her methods are realistic—instead of training and encouraging women to believe her ideologies, Molina insists that they accept accountability and grow outside of her practices.

In retrospect, fulfillment and purpose is a soul experience. Molina’s job is to open that spiritual door for conversation—the rest is something that women need to learn on their own.

“Some may need two or three seasons before we terminate the relationship as far as coaching goes, because once you transform your mind, then you know how the world really works, and you know how to see the things that God promised you,” Molina stated.

Molina’s cousin passed away a few years ago, and it devastated her… she was left with a heartbreaking decision-- either mourn at a standstill or live copiously.

“I said, ‘Alright God,' I’m going to give you another chance.”

Activating her faith, she allowed God to move through her.

Molina is an educator with the local school system. She’s also an Encouragement Vlogger, in addition to being a journalist for an Australian news site. She’s a Motivational Speaker, Ordained Minister, Author, and Co-founder of Mosiac Women’s Network [Making our Souls Alive through Christ].

Oh, yes, the #Bossbabe is full of ambition—she’s also owner of Crowned Publishing.

Delving further into discussion, the bombshell also divulged that she is an Economics Major with a Spanish Minor.

Molina moved to Charlotte in 2007, with hopes of growing her brand, and by gosh! It’s sprouted in remarkable fashion.

Though times get tough, Molina is appreciative of all the help she receives as well as the relationships she’s cultivated through the years.

When asked about the other things she’s involved in, Molina said, “I have a few events coming up, a workshop that I’ll be doing in Charleston (SC) on May 15th called The Girls Who Brunch. I’m doing a brand-new workshop. It’s an opportunity for these teens to think about the type of life they want to have. It gives them time to think, ‘What’s important to me? What do I want to do?’ and for them to leave that workshop with the next few steps.

She also said that change has to be rooted in faith. Molina motivates people to have their own relationship with God, which is how she developed Courage University , an online training course to equip women with the word of God.

When Molina isn’t teaching that good word from God, she spends time with family.

"I have been married for 16-years. I have been with my husband for 21-years. Um, we have 3 kids ages 20… my son just turned 17, and we have a 14-year-old. We were teen parents. You, know God was all through it, and it ain't been all good, but it’s definitely been all God,” said Molina in an earnest tone.

She’s worked with the One7 Ministries for about 3 years. The One7 Ministries is a first-generation refugee orphanage in Charlotte, NC.

“I initially went for the first time with Elevation Church, for Love Week. It was my first time volunteering, really, anywhere as an adult.

Molina plans to work full-time with One7 Ministries. She said that the kids are amazing and funny. They’ve been through things that American children see in their nightmares.

Though the orphanage has been here for about 9 years, the organization could still use help with uniforms, socks and undies.

Ironically, on the day that I met the bubbly dreamer, she smiled ever so politely and giggled with an interesting bashfulness. Her meekness isn’t shadowed by fear, more so, humility…

To learn more about Courage Molina :

Periscope: Courage Molina

Facebook: Courage Molina

Contact for bookings contact:


Tangi Watts

540 394 0523

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