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Dusty Win Adds Fashion-Buff To His List Of Accomplishments, All The While, Fostering Career As A Hip


Dusty Win sporting N.I.C.E apparel

Charlotte, NC native, Dusty Win (Winchester) knew that his passion resided in the hip-hop culture. Influenced by Notorious BIG and a 90's flow, he just needed the right platform to expose his sound.

He ignited the local club scene with his vicious word-play, while performing singles,” Whole Lotta, Middle Finger 2 Ya, and  Here Come Carolina. Win released his first song in 2008 called Magic, produced by the Ivy League.

He proved to be a savage lyricist, working with reputable producers and artist such as, Erving (King) Poole, Atg & Prime, Blue Marley, Surreal, Leo Menza, Brice Elroy, Futuristic Beats, C.C. Merit, Hood Bound Inc, Lights Out, Ziggy Zi, Mr.Beefin', Carolina Blac, Mike Mayhem, and his partner and crime Munchie.

Although he's creating new material, Win has several videos, Crew Love (Remix), What You Believe In, and, Tell Me Somethin Good, featuring Jai (Naj Music) just to name a few visuals.

Crew Love

With a milieu of music and performances under his belt, we felt it was only fair to ask Win--'What's the difference between hip hop and rap?' We also pondered if he were one of the genres mentioned.

Hip Hop is a culture. Rap is one of the four elements, which comprises break-dancing, being a DJ, as well as a being a dope graffiti artist. As for the second question, I'm a hip hop artist whose goal is to create a message while entertaining the crowd. Win is fluent with the mic--he's been around for some time. Not to mention, he is a refuge of the ever changing phases of lyricism. We wanted to know since he fell in love with hip hop during it's hardcore stage, before the evolution of mumble rap--we wanted to know if hip hop lost its luster. 

Yes, I feel that hip hop has lost its luster because there isn't a concept anymore. There isn't a message. Well, stated, Win! Well played! Speaking of the passionate artist, he's working on a new album.

My latest project that I'm about to release is called Real Hip Hop (No pun intended).  Yes, consistent lyricist by trade, but he's got other tricks up his sleeve.  Win is actually dabbling in fashion as well.

I had the idea of starting my own clothing line, but I was focusing on other things. Atil Karim Abdullah of the True Life Merchandise store in Charlotte, North Carolina, sat me down and explained to me that I needed to push my own brand. That's how my clothing brand, N.I.C.E., came about. The acronym stands for "Now I Can Eat."  It doesn't matter where an artist is in the music industry. They are all influenced by a number of things, including the grand-wizards of them all—rhymesters who impacted the culture when freestyles were liberating and verbal expression was enlightening.

If you didn't have a muse, you're a liar and a chump... kidding.

My biggest influence in music, period, is Biggie Smalls. I can say my influence in film is Terrence Howard.

An independent fashion designer by the name of Ray Ruga, he is my biggest influence in the fashion industry. Nope! Win didn't study the fashion trade before starting his own commerce. He was fervent about the business and according to his peers, he had a little style

No, I never studied fashion. I just like to stay fly. That's why they called me the "Flyest Homeboy." He doesn't have a pompous prefix about business dealings. 

I'm willing to work with anyone that's serious, and willing to collaborate with me. Thankfully, Win isn't arrogant, which is the reason he's able to balance work, film and music.

I balance life one day at a time, but I still maintain a set schedule between music, fashion and acting.

In 2008, I recorded my first song with Robbery Records. It was more after that; but, the song that really got me local fame was Do a little Dance  by Erving Poole. That track is available on ITunes. The song was also played in an independent film named Great Gain.

I made my acting debut in another web series called A Carolina Tale, directed by Carolina El of CackTown Vision.

In 2000, N.I.C.E.(NOWICANEAT) came about because I was once hungry; but, Now I Can Eat.. If you don't work you don't eat. Win isn't tied into gridlock contracts.

I am independent. While being independent, you own and have control over everything you do.

One of the reasons that Win is able to flaunt his brand freely, it's because he utilizes social networks to the fullest extent.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, are networks that reach a larger scale of people whom you wouldn't be able to reach in the streets.

I force-feed them so the masses don't have any other choice but to recognize me.

It's safe to say that Win learned a few things throughout his career and especially since he delved into another line of work.

I learned that I can be self sufficient and still build my own brand. If you'd like to stay up-to-date with Win's music and Funky vibes: Goggle Dusty Win (Formally known as Dusty Winchester). The thing that keeps us on the path to leadership is the ability to lead while helping others to achieve success, which Win is adamant about in his closing.

Keep pushing towards your goal. Once you give up. Everything you worked for will fade away, so strive for the best and don't settle for less. 

N.I.C.E Carolina Blue Tunic  N.I.C.E.(NowICanEat) 

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