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Thanks to "Affair Recovery Speicalist," Martez & Woodrina Layton, Marriages Can Grow S

Fifty percent of all married women cheat—at least, that was the headlining story on ABC News, which is an indicative proportion.

The statistics sound astonishingly true; however, there are always underlying issues that trigger infidelity in the first place.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter who did the bad deed initially. Once the double-dealings happen and both parties are made aware, the couple must decide to work it out, or toss their marriage in the waste bin like a pair of stinky, worn out socks.

That’s where Atlanta natives, Martez and Woodrina Layton, come into play. They are the “Affair Recovery Specialist.”

The counselors help famalies work through grievances of adultery, while addressing problems in hopes of protecting those sacred nuptials.

Woodrina and Martez’s story actually goes back to 2007, when Woodrina had an affair, and the couple decided to arm themselves by looking for Christian-professionals. More specifically, couples that overcame their bout with unfaithfulness-- marriage counselors, who had gone through what they had and sustained.

Unfortunately, there were no marriage professionals or counselors who overcame that type of duplicity.

Martez said that’s when God put it into their hearts to become marriage counselors.

Martez and Woodrina took courses and graduated, though Woodrina was pursuing her Master’s in Education at the time. The circumstance allowed her to finish May of 2009, and jump right back into the ring, to get her Master’s degree in counseling.

They also wrote a book A Blessed Affair, a support guide for clients and many others that want to make the marriage work. Divorce is not the final answer and it's not an option.

“Basically, we felt like that because of all the pain we went through, and overcame with infidelity in our marriage.

We wanted to be that for someone else. We wanted to be there for someone else, so we wanted to better equip ourselves, to help them overcome it.

That’s why he [Martez] went to “Life Coaching school and I went to get my LPC,” Woodrina said.

Both agree that they make a great power team and their marriage is stronger because of honesty and their transparency with each other; moreover, their clients.

The dominant couple was featured on OWN as well as the 700 Club. Both, licensed therapist, in addition to Professional Life and Marriage Coaches.

Their accomplishments after the Affair increased.

Martez and Woodrina Layton instituted the “Dream Builders in 2009, with the axiom, “Changing lives one relationship a time.”

Recognizing many triggers for adultery, Martez said, “One of the things that most people don’t know is that ninety-four-percent of people whose parents have an affair, they have an affair.”

Martez also states that one of the triggers is ignorance… “The spirit doesn’t acknowledge the signs or what to expect. You aren’t aware of it, and [you] assume that it will never happen,” he said.

While Martez continued to explain, he also shared that he cheated first, and allowed himself to be put in a vulnerable situation.

“I know this sounds crazy, but I felt that I was so strong in my Christian faith that I wouldn’t fall,” said Martez.

According to Martez and Woodrina, pride, pain, boring sex and confidence, is another indicator that it may be time to evaluate yourself if you feel that you are getting too close to someone else.

Martez confirms that communication is essential when addressing matters in the bedroom… you must communicate with your mate.

“For me, another thing that I would say is that you need to keep your sex-life vibrant.”

Both agree that nine out of ten people will not confess if they haven’t gotten caught.

To make matters more interesting, “Couples who get premarital counseling, if they learn to communicate those problems, then they are aware. They know they're in need of counseling. Whereas, couples who don’t get that, they don’t realize it, and it will go on until something bad happens,” Woodrina finnished.

Just as Martez stated above, they wanted help when it happened to them, and they revisited different areas of their marriage that needed work.

Mutually, they agreed to repair their damaged pieces.

The pair revitalized their marriage by using one key element aside from the transparency and communication.

Since 2007, the two make it a point to walk each day, and hold hands endearingly.

The affection allows the power couple to bond with words and sometimes without uttering one syllable. It’s almost like courting all over again, and learning to become intimate friends because they feel that marriage is worth saving. Using their walk, and many other natural encouragements, Woodrina and Martez finally hit twenty-five-years of marriage—the honeymoon phase is over. They’ve accepted one another for the imperfections and the unifications that blend them together perfectly, for better or for worse. They are so in awe with the blessing of being a unit that they gifted others.

The two started an event called

Check Eventbrite for details. Facebook: Married 4 Life Walk

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