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Basement Sessions with Music Producer, David Sparks, & Songstress, Gia Roxx


The winds gnarled with anger, while freezing rain finished up its dispiriting job, by smashing against my face resentfully…

I threw caution to the winds because not even the merciless weather could discourage me from experiencing one of the most memorable music sessions that #2016 had to offer.

Finally, doors to the home swung open, displaying a charming and cozy scene straight out of a mom and pops movie, including the small pooch who paced back and forth excitedly at the entrance-way.

It was warm and regal once I made my way inside the one-story house, which lit up with festive Christmas lights as well as all the fixings for a wonderful holiday celebration.

Although the wistful and cheerful welcoming seemed comfy, that wasn’t our final destination...

After introducing me to his lovely wife, David Sparks, Music Engineer and Super Producer, smiled with a lucid plan in mind, “I have to show you something downstairs," he said.

“You’re going to be blown away,” he chortled as we walked hastily through the kitchen in route to the mysterious spot.

On December 23, 2016, David Sparks revealed his trendy in-home studio, nestled in the pit of a muted basement, right below his dweling.

The studio extended wall- to -wall, and overflowed with electronics, equipment and two vocal-booths, in addition to a funky luminosity leading the way.

Sparks created the atmosphere in a pragmatic effort to make music for local artist in the Charlotte sector, and many beyond the global turf of North Carolina.

Speaking of melodies, Sparks was actually in a studio session as mentioned above, with one of the sensational, Pop & Soulful Artist from the area, Gia Roxx.

The two are working on a three-part CD, though they recently finished the first phase of writing, generating the sound, and laying down the track without mix and mastering.

Sparks said that he’s known Roxx for about two or three years, but it wasn’t until recently that they started crafting together.

The 32-year- old Charlotte native said that she’s been singing since she was a little girl in church—her first solo was, “If You’re Happy.”

“That was my first song,” said Roxx as she belted out a tune from the familiar ditty.

After singing the rendition, she explained, “I tried to walk away from music for about two-years, because you know, the struggle of life and being a single mom, but when it’s your calling, you can’t walk away from it."

In the beginning, Roxx worked, while singing on the side. “I wasn’t good at that – going up in someone’s building and taking orders... I ended up quitting the job.”

The songstress went on to say it was around 2009 when she realized that singing was her calling, and since she recognized it, God would provide her with whatever she needed, as long as she stayed on the path of being a full-time singer.

Roxx performs weekly, and is booked solid throughout the year.

“I have a single that’s out there on YouTube called ‘Domino,” and the other is called “Toss it up.” I sing with The Company Band-- it’s a traveling wedding band.

While being with the band, that’s really where I discovered the art of music, which I’m thankful for, because I learned to develop as an artist.

Now, I feel like I have the necessary tools, to not only perform albums, but to get out and make my music.

I perform in places like the Country Clubs, Festivals, and things like that,” she said.

According to Roxx, it’s pretty much a mandate for her and The Company Band, to go out and perform at different venues.

She stated that she owes those opportunities to having patience— “You have to be patient in life. You need to know what you want, and make a plane to go after it, like you have nothing else to go for... That’s how I did it,” she said.

“My friend hooked me up with this guy, Noc Hickman. Shout out to The Company Band…

He called me up, to do a gig, and he gave me a four-hour show, where I needed to learn the words of a song within a week,” she laughed.

“I stepped up to the challenge and it was a whole, whole, lot of work,” she giggled. “And that’s how I did it. I didn’t do good at all… But I put my heart into it—it’s all about passion at the end of the day,” she confirmed.

“I’m glad that God gave me the opportunity,” Roxx finished her statement.

It’s not hard to see that Sparks knew talent and unpretentiousness when he decided to work with the sweltering hot singer, Gia Roxx.

Watch the video below, you’ll get the glint of excitement from both artist and producer. They share a musical chemistry that's out of this world.

Closing out the round-table with the jazzy vocalist, Roxx, she also shared a profound piece of wisdom, “I think you have to be passionate about your journey, but you can’t be passionate without being spiritual. In order to be passionate, you have to know a little more about the spiritual aspect of it… your musical passage.”

Roxx and Sparks are a symmetrical fit, which allows the singer to perform with The Company Band, while pushing songs out complimentary to her vibe and style, with one of the most experienced Producers in the industry.

Sparks is working with another singer by the name of Raven, and hopes to emit her music within 2017.

Take peek at another collaborative composition that Sparks is working on below:

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