The young artist (Trentin Izingani Hudson), ejected his latest single “SSJ Super Saiyan, (Produced By Metro Boom).”
His song boasts a different type of rhyme where the lyrics are more assertive with an obstinate missive.
The melody is similar to the 80’s Miami music, while it’s upbeat tempo synthesizes over random shrieks of Kungfu sounds.
“I just recently opened up my newest genre, which it's Trapame—I decided that this would be the perfect single, and the perfect time to put it out since Nerd Core doesn’t get support from bigger producers or labels like that,” he said.
“So, to infuse that with Metro Boomin, a bigger production, it would be a way to bridge the community and break the genre in again."
The 17-year-old producer and music engineer began rapping and making beats at 9 years old. Interesting enough, many of his hits are generated from an in-home studio (his house), which is one of many reasons that he's able to produce beats at an expediant time.
Detox released a few tunes earlier this year, though he's only concerned about branding his new lyrical vibrations.
The Charlotte, NC native confirms that the resonance of the song is different than what's played on mainstream radio, and that's one of the reasons he chose “Nerd Core” music-- because it’s weird and different.
The original Nerd Core is a hip-hop genre that talks about the collective interest of nerds, whereas traditional hip-hop is about educating the masses and survival of the fittest from an environmental aspect.
MC Frontalot brought The Nerd Core term into full view in early 2000, although many folks remember the method from back in the 80’s when Weird Al Yankovic materialized with spoofs about the latest weight, cultures, and trends around the world.
Ironically, Detox doesn’t contest that Weird Al is actually one of his favorite artist; however, he likes Mega Ran as well.
Detox said that he wants to place his latest single on as many platforms as he can, including Kotaku, a Japanese blog site.
“I want this song to be everywhere,” he chimed.
The rapper describes his libretto as animations, similar to cartoons and video games, stuff that he enjoys doing, which is how he combined both Trap-music and Anime (hence animation), to create his most recent rhymes.
“I feel like I only have one more shot at this, so I plan to take this song everywhere once I turn 18. I will possibly make a second one, produced by 808 Mafia. They actually hit me up—Aye, Shout out to Ttaudi,” he praised during interview.
He wants to give credit where credit is due. In fact, he's very transparent in that regards.
Detox said it’s difficult to break into mainstream with his music, and sadly, his age affects many things as an aspiring independent artist.
“See when you start moving everywhere, people see you, they see the shows. When you give people what they want to see, sometimes the crowds reaction is good, and sometimes it isn’t.
As soon as you hear the label or your proclaimed fans say, 'I don’t really think this is the one,’ You really need to take it into consideration because sometimes they are right. I learned that the hard way when I did my tour in Florida."
According to the young and aspiring rhymester, the experience humbled him when people didn’t receive his music the way he felt that they should. He also knew that he had to rearrange his sound and come back with something stronger.
Speaking of the comeback, Detox is doing away with his old work, but he’s keeping one thing the same, and that’s his moniker, which is a very important attribute to have patent when establishing yourself as a brand.
“I had my name trademarked when I was 15, but it was given to me when I was 12… If you don’t have your name trademark, anyone can use the name,” he said.
Detox doesn’t plan on switching anything else. He's sticking to the Nerd Core classification, and hopes to revitalize the category with his spin of rapid hip-hop.
In fact, he goes on to say, “You can still be you no matter what genre you have, and that’s the thing that I wanted people to know.”
To learn more about Detox The Kid, you can follow his movement:
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