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Be Amped: Cancer Awareness Campaign

Be Amped PSA

Interruptedblogs‬.com joined ‪#‎bobbyv‬, ‪#‎rodneyperry‬, ‪#‎rollingoutmag‬,‪#‎sheenmagazine‬, and others to encourage the ladies to give themselves the gift of health for the holidays! Check out the ‪#‎beamped‬‪#‎breastcancerawareness‬ video below. ‪Visit www.connectingyouto.comto find out about breast cancer AND the locations of FREE and low-cost screening services. ‪#‎cancersucks‬ ‪#‎empowered‬ ‪#‎connectingyouto‬

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