Mar 11, 20161 min

TOBF: Breakfast for Champions



On March 10, 2016, TOBF (The Open Book Foundation) founder, Leon Webb, and the Mayor of Charlotte, Jennifer Roberts, hosted a banquet at the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce.

The faction presented staff members from local schools with new kid-friendly books for their libraries.

Frontrunner, Leon Webb, spoke to the fixated attendees who came to the celebration, about the importance of keeping books in school and the influence that reading has on students today. He acknowledged other non-profits that were in attendance, who also contribute to TOBF.

For instance, colleagues from the First Book Market Place, and Books with Barbers, were amongst the smiling faces in the room .

There were several guest speakers who commended Mr. Webb on his constructive role as an educator as well as an activist.

The Open Book Foundation plowed full speed ahead from its inception 4 years ago, by building positive relationships within the community, and creating a resilient platform to help those less fortunate.

The members of TOBF campaign for outright equality within our school system.

There is one thing that’s certain, we’ve learned through The Open Book Foundations' philanthropic efforts just how powerful a team can be once they’ve put their heads together for the greater good of our youth as well as humanity.

For more information on The Open Book Foundation, please visit:
